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Dr. Paulo Moreira

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence in Communication


Paulo Moreira graduated in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon.


Author of the book “EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE - a practical approach”, founder and creator of the brand “Treino Inteligência Emocional®” and CEO of the company EQ-TRAINING LDA, a leading company which provides events and training in the field of Emotional Intelligence in Portugal, with private and institutional clients from diverse sectors of work.


He is a guest lecturer and speaker, also providing training services in several Universities, through lectures, workshops and training.


He has specializations in the major world models of Emotional Intelligence, namely:


• EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 (The Emotional Quotient Inventory), taught by High Performing Systems (Georgia, USA) • MSCEIT (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test), taught by EI Skills Group (Yale University, USA) • ESCI (Emotional and Social Competency Inventory), taught by Hay Group (London, UK) • ISEI (International Society for Emotional Intelligence) Level 1, taught at FPCEUP, by Dr John Pellitteri (Queens College, New York University, USA). • ESaC (Emotional Skills and Competencies), by Paul Ekman International (Manchester, UK)

Image by Kit Suman
Microphone Closeup


Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Contagion, Communicate Emotions, Emotional Awareness in Communication


The concept of Emotional Intelligence was adopted by John Mayer and Peter Salovey from Yale University, and they have defined this concept as the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions to support thought, to understand their meaning, and how they interact and to efficiently regulate emotions.


Emotions play a big role in our communication. If we are not aware of how we are feeling, we can be influenced by our emotions without noticing them, and they can be out of sync with what is needed at that moment.


If we cannot understand how our emotions interact and blend, we will have difficulty in discovering how to reach the other person. If we cannot read other people's nonverbal cues, we won’t understand if our communication is having the right impact.


And if we cannot manage how we are feeling, we can be overthrown by our emotions and stay focused, not on what is being said but what we think is being said.


Our emotions impact our speech, how we communicate, and our perception of the other person. It is crucial to improve our emotional intelligence if we want to be better communicators and improve our chances that the other person hears what we really want to say.

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