Viegas Nunes
CAIH - Cyber Academia and Innovation Hub
He graduated from Instituto Superior Técnico in 1992 and got a Master of Science degree in Electrotechnical Engineering and Computers in 1997.
He concluded his PhD in Information Science at Universidade Complutense of Madrid in 2010.
During his career, he was project manager of the NATO Smart Defence Multinational Cyber Defence Education and Training Project, Co-Leader of the EU Military Training Group (EUMTG) Cyber Defence Discipline, Commandant of the NATO Communications and Information Systems School (NCISS), Acting Director of the NATO Communications and Information Academy (NCI Academy) and Project Coordinator of the PESCO Project EU Cyber Academia and Innovation Hub (CAIH).
He is currently Scientific Coordinator of the Information Warfare Master and Post-Graduate Course on Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence at the Portuguese Military Academy.
Keywords: Cyber Capabilities, Academia, Innovation, Cyber Education and Training (E&T), Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I), Industry Development.
Building upon the experience achieved during the leadership of the NATO Smart Defence project “Multinational Cyber Defence Education and Training” (MN CD E&T) and the European Union Military Training Group “Cyber Defence Discipline”, Portugal is implementing the Cyber ​​Academia and Innovation Hub (CAIH).
This innovative project aims to enhance cyber education and training, to promote research, development and innovation, and to support industry development, in order to feed the national and international cyber ecosystem with knowledge, the competencies and skills required for a new generation of professionals, as well as to support the development of cyber capabilities.
CAIH will be established as an international centre of excellence on cyber defence and cyber security which interconnects Universities, Research Centres, Industry and other entities and organizations of the public and private sector.
It is CAIH's aim to enhance the development of national synergies, with the involvement of, among others, the Defence Technological and Industrial Base (DTIB) and the National Scientific and Technological System (NCTS), promoting and fostering international cooperation in this domain.