Teresa Cabral Moncada, MA
A Global Language in Multinational Military Structures
Intercultural Competence in the Military Field
Master's Degree in American Studies (Contemporary American Literature) –FCSH, UN of Lisbon, 1998
Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures (English/German) – FLL, UL, 1982
Responsible for the Transversal Program and European Label - National Agency for the Management of the VLP - Ministry of Education
Responsible for Lingua, Minerva, Grundtvig, European Language Label and Contact
Seminars - National Agency for Community Programs - Ministry of Education
English Language.
Culture Prof. Assistant – Univ. Lusiada, Lisbon
Guest Assistant Department of Portuguese Language and Culture – Lisbon Art Faculty, Universidade de Lisboa
Graduate Courses for the Diplomatic Career - Univ. Lusiada, Lisbon
Coordinator of the Department of Business English – IPAM, Lisbon
Teacher of English and German in the 3rd cycle and secondary cycles
Senior Officer – Erasmus+ Education and Training Program
Responsible for implementing the European Label for Languages European competition
Multilingualism and the geo-political perspective in a global world within the EU policies, lead us to look at what are the latest developments of the Council of Europe's multilingualism policy and action by the European Commission.
Regarding education and professional training, the most successful European Programme is Erasmus+ 21/27, underlying the Transversal Priorities, which bring us new challenges on the field of International Cooperation and how to meet them.
Following this path, one of the outstanding areas refers to Higher Education and Internationalization (Perin Network), what has been accomplished and what should be achieved.
As a sample of other language materials produced by E+ projects, some hints about Intermar project.